The content of this page belongs to
Retrograph/Swing-o-logy and it is permitted/forbidden, using pictures and texts outside
of promoting the items shown or use graphics for personal/commercial purposes.
For your personal project-request, simply contact us
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or call: (++49)-5221-28 26 08
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SWING-O-LOGY is registred at
revenue office Herford/Germany, tax-ID 32451751833
for post:
Sven T. Uhrmann
32051 Herford
This page is handcoded and written by Sven T. Uhrmann and runs flawless with the Internet Explorer and
is tested permanently with Mozilla Firefox (not troublefree!), as my HTML seems to be very limited for
optimizing the troubleshootings. - If you want the full range of the page, please use the IE and avoid Firefox.